In late March after the WHO labeled Covid-19 a worldwide pandemic I began to hear the Lord speaking, “consider your ways”. I knew it was a bible verse, but I couldn’t recall the reference. I searched and found the familiar passage in Haggai 1:5, 7. I knew that it was a word for this “Covid-19” season but I didn’t know the specific application (whether for our spiritual family or me personally). I decided to sit on it and allow the Lord to clarify it to me.
Read MoreI want to emphasize again that I believe we’re in a critical hour. Our greatest need is to prioritize the presence of Jesus above everything else in order that we may obediently follow the Lord’s leadership through the myriad challenges of the days ahead. As a result, this will require us to say ‘No’ to good things in order to say ‘Yes’ to God things. The parable of the ten virgins gives us a great example.
Read MoreWhat is the most obvious need for a drunken man? He must sober up. But what is the greatest need for an alcoholic? He needs to get delivered from his addiction to alcohol. He doesn’t simply need to sober up, he needs to be fully delivered. I’m convinced that one of the greatest needs for the Western Church is that we must not only sober up, we need to be delivered from our addiction to shallow and frivolous intoxications.
Read MoreWhen we consider His leadership many questions arise. Why does God allow bad things to happen to His people? On one side of the question some imagine that the Lord never allows believers to suffer or to go through trials. On the other side some believe that God directly authors every calamity that has ever happened on the earth. The truth is somewhere in the middle. And therein is a great tension.
Read MoreWhen we consider how He leads we have to agree that nothing is happening apart from His knowledge or desires. He is moving all of history forward according to the counsel of His own will. There are certain things He directs and certain things He allows. But in all things He remains enthroned and sovereign over the affairs of humanity.
Read MoreFor the first time in over fourteen years, we closed the IHOP-Atlanta prayer room to the public (our worship teams continue 24/7 and live stream is available on YouTube). As I was driving to the house of prayer yesterday, I was deeply humbled beneath the weight of what is happening in the world, the greatness of our God, and my own overt weakness in the midst of it all.
Read MoreThe Covid-19 Coronavirus is on virtually everyone’s mind right now. My oldest son came home from college yesterday telling me it was the conversation in each of his classes. My recent Google searches for generic subjects are returning results randomly including Coronoavirus details. In the midst of this, I want to offer the current data from the World Health Organization as well as a biblical perspective on this outbreak.
Read MoreSpiritual disciplines are necessary for believers to grow in Christ. Paul told Timothy, “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” This is not legalism, but rather employing the grace of God in our lives to help us to practice biblical principles geared to strengthen us in our walk with God. There are many spiritual disciplines we need to practice: prayer, fasting, study, evangelism, simplicity, silence, confession, etc. In this blog, with inspiration from a friend of mine, I’ve put together a list of disciplines that are often overlooked but are critical to helping us grow in intimacy-based holiness.
Read MoreSo often believers look to sources outside of Scripture to find principles to live by. Some of these resources can be helpful, but almost always they’re incomplete because they don’t take into account a Biblical worldview.
Read MoreIn Psalm 145:5, David declared, “I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works.” Paul followed up David by instructing us to, “seek those things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on the earth.”(Col 3:1-2). Whoever came up with the idea that a person could be too heavenly minded to be any earthly good must have overlooked these passages!
Read MoreI was thirty-three years old when God called me to transition from being a youth pastor to move my family to Kansas City to learn the message, model, vision, and values of the House of Prayer. I was working for an incredible church and just when things seemed to be peaking, the Lord called me away to seek Him in perpetual worship and prayer.
Read MoreThe Lord has been dealing with me about my own digital habits for some time. I have felt cautioned by the Lord from time to time to make sure that I wasn’t being controlled by my phone or iPad. At the end of last year I felt strongly impressed to do away with distractions and specifically get out of the habit of allowing my phone to control my time. Here are seven things that I’m doing right now that our helping me to overcome my phone dependency.
Read MoreI wrote the last couple of weeks about how the Lord has been speaking of our great need to overcome areas of superficiality in our lives. As I started the New Year in the prayer room, my heart and mind were literally buzzing were with the Holy Spirit’s presence. I felt the Lord’s nearness so freshly. As the Lord does, He kindly began to impress upon me several personal areas that He was inviting me to overcome superficiality in my life this year. Putting these in writing helps me to be accountable and hopefully, at the same time, it will encourage you.
Read MoreI wrote last week about a leadership meeting I was a part of with thirty leaders from the prayer, worship, and mission movement where the Lord emphasized the issue of superficiality in the Church and the call to come out of it. In that meeting those gathered identified at least five key areas to address in our lives. I want to share them with you here and challenge you to consider these areas before the Lord asking Him to deepen your walk in each area.
Read MoreSuperficiality is defined as living with a lack of depth or serious thought. Richard Foster in his classic Celebration of Discipline states, “Superficiality is the curse of this age. The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”
Read MoreThe scriptures are clear that there is rest for our souls if we will come to Jesus. The fact that He calls the weary and heavy laden to Himself tells us they hadn’t been with Him. With Him is peace. Here are five steps to rest for your soul.
Read MoreAs we are looking toward 2020, I want to share six prophetic insights I believe the Lord is emphasizing for His Church in the coming year and beyond. I pray that the Lord witnesses to your heart through this writing and draws you into the center of His desires for the coming year.
Read MoreEvery human heart has been constructed with the same mystical framework – We all share an insatiable appetite for wonder. We love to be wowed. We love to be awed. Beauty enthralls us. Mystery captivates us. We continuously want thrill and shock. We are moved by a hardwired code in our hearts that demands amazement. All of this is divine design. It’s Heaven’s fashioning manifest in our being.
Read MoreHow often do we hear a good word, but then don’t put the word into practice? James calls this being “self-deceived”. He goes on to explain that when we live this way, we lose our identity. Perhaps a key reason the church isn’t operating in the full power of our identity is because we are bound in self-deception.
Recently the Lord spoke to one of our leaders in a dream about the severity of self-deception in the Church. Before he had a chance to share the dream with me, the Lord put it on my heart to preach about overcoming self-deception! When He shared the dream with me the day after I preached about it, I was shocked by how specifically the Lord was emphasizing self-deception as a critical sin we must overcome.
Read MoreI have been incredibly encouraged by the testimonies of my friends who have come out of LGBTQ to live radically sold out lives to Jesus. It’s been amazing to get to know them and hear their testimonies. They have taught me much. They deserve to be heard, not as “testimony trophies” paraded by the church, but as real people who have had real encounters with Jesus - emblems of His grace and love.
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