The Coming LGBTQ Revival
I met a young lady in May of this year almost unlike anyone I have ever met before. She was on fire with the Holy Spirit and filled with striking boldness. She looked at me with zeal and passion and told me about a move of the Spirit taking place in the LGBTQ community. For the next 30 minutes, she shared about her own deliverance and many radical stories of people who had been delivered from every version of LGBTQ (including former transgendered people who had returned to their original gender).
I was blown away.
Since 2004, IHOP Atlanta has prayed for the LGBTQ community, believing God to release a mighty revival. Though we had seen some fruit, it was definitely minimal compared to the amount of prayer and ministry we had invested. Unknowingly, I had become discouraged, believing that we may never see the breakthrough that we had prayed for. All of that has changed for me.
As I write this, I am fresh off a historic meeting that has captivated my imagination with the possibilities of what God can and will do in the LGBTQ community. I met with over 20 leaders of “once gay” ministries who are all coming together in unity and prayer right now for a mighty move of God among the LGBTQ community. I have gotten to know several of these leaders and their testimonies are all unique. One thing they all share: They have all been completely delivered and live sold-out lives for Jesus.
Opponents may contest the validity of their claims, but as I have gotten to know them, I have found that they are living uncompromised lives of consecration and passion for Jesus. Truth is, when they speak they are bolder than almost any preacher I have ever heard on the subject of sexuality and gender.
I believe we are in a divine moment. Another Great Awakening is brewing in America. When darkness covers the earth, the Lord arises with glory! (Isa 60:2) I want to go on the record and say that I believe we are going to see massive revival, mighty deliverances, and many raised up for full time ministry among the LGBTQ community. Believe with me for God to pour out His Spirit and release a mighty awakening!
Stay tuned, in the coming days I’m going to share some observations about what God is doing in the LGBTQ community and how the church can position itself to receive those God is setting free.
[I want to encourage you to pray for and support ministries like Changed Movement, Freedom March, Uprooted Heart, and Fearless Identity. These are all ministries that are led by “once gay” leaders who now are seeing people saved and delivered from LGBTQ on a regular basis]