4 Movements The Holy Spirit is Emphasizing Right Now
I regularly have the opportunity to interface with different leaders in the body of Christ. I'm always interested to ask them what the Lord has been speaking to them. It's very encouraging when I hear unrelated leaders from different streams of the Body of Christ doing the same things by the Spirit's leading. Over the last six months I've noticed several movements that are clearly being emphasized by the Lord. Each of these movements seems to have the Holy Spirit's wind on them. I think it's important to identify them so we can pay attention and engage with what the Spirit is saying to the church in this hour.
1) Night and Day Worship and Prayer- Though this is not a new idea for many, there are still many more in the body of Christ who are just beginning to awaken to the idea of night and day worship and prayer. On a recent trip to the middle east, I had the privilege of meeting individually with more than 30 leaders from 5 nations. I was surprised to find that those whom I met with were all interested in establishing night and day worship and prayer as a centerpiece of their ministries. There is unanimous recognition of the need for prevailing, persevering prayer in the region. "How else shall the stronghold of Islam come down?" one leader offered matter-of-factly.
In addition, throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa & Asia the interest in night and day prayer isn't waning, it's growing. Houses of Prayer and Praying Churches are being planted everywhere. Many Pastors and leaders are continuing to catch the vision of ceaseless worship and intercession. Multiple missions organizations are incorporating extended prayer meetings as part of their regular ministry activity. I am convinced we have only seen the beginning of the global prayer movement that God is raising up. The Holy Spirit is continuing to emphasize prayer as a centerpiece of His activity in this hour.
2) Field evangelism- Recently, a church-planter-friend-of-mine said to me, "Billy, I've prayed for revival for years, but I feel like the Lord has been telling me, that we don't just need revival, we need a massive move of evangelism to reach the lost...America needs to hear the gospel again!" I couldn't agree more. I'm not saying we don't need revival, WE DEFINITELY DO. But It is evident that the Lord is emphasizing simple gospel proclamation, with signs and wonders following, as a key component to seeing many souls swept into the Kingdom. Ministries like Living Waters, Call2All,Circuit Riders, & Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, have helped simplify the task of evangelism by putting the gospel back in the hands of the lay person. Because of their influence many churches have adopted similar outreach ministries. The trend in evangelism is shifting from evangelism being just for the Evangelist, to it being something for the whole body of Christ. Of course, it was always supposed to be this way.
3) Ending Slavery and Abortion- The issue of human trafficking isn't going away. To this day there are 30 million people who are slaves in the earth. 70% of those are sex-slaves. Some estimates say 50% of the sex-slaves are under 16. This IS NOT O.K. There is a growing tide of awareness and activism around this issue, but the task is great. Ministries like The End It Movementand Exodus Cry,with their award winning documentary Nefarious: Merchant of Souls,have raised awareness to new heights, but there is still much work to be done. I believe the Lord is going to continue to emphasize the ending of human trafficking until the entire Church is aware and engaged in seeing this atrocity come to an end.
Over the last decade, huge advances have been made in America and the nations in the pro-life movement. Public opinion has shifted regarding abortion as God has shed the light on some of the horrific abuses that exist in the abortion industry. Laws limiting abortions are beginning to be passed in our nation. The conscience of America is beginning to wake up to the fact that abortion kills a person. Much prayer is still needed to see greater legislation enacted that will protect human life in the womb. Our blood guilt is great, but God's mercy is greater. I believe we will see an even greater shift in our nation as the Church continues to engage by praying and standing for life.
4) Gospel to the Unreached- The emphasis on finishing the task of global evangelization is at a rolling boil. I can boldly say this is one emphasis the Spirit is shouting to the church. Many ministries are waking up to the the task with fresh vigor to see Jesus' name proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Ministries like Back to Jerusalem, ACTSand SVM2are training and launching missionaries to the hardest and darkest parts of the globe with the intention of seeing the gospel preached in every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. I believe that this is the hour the Church will launch the greatest thrust of mission the earth has ever witnessed. Global evangelization is a precursor to the Lord's return. I believe we are in the generation that will witness it! We are only at the beginning of what God is doing in this area.
Though there are many challenges, I believe we are on the cusp of seeing great breakthrough. I am freshly encouraged by these and other movements of the Lord's activity in the earth. Can you hear the Holy Spirit beckoning to you to engage with Him in one of these areas? I encourage you to give yourself wholeheartedly to the Lord's leading and direction for your life.
What are other emphases you see the Holy Spirit highlighting at this time?